The SCOOP! Premium Plant Based Protein

The SCOOP! Premium Plant Based Protein



Did you know that rice is also a protein? Usually, when you hear the word “rice”, you immediately think of carbs, not protein. Believe it or not, there’s enough protein in those little grains for anyone to boost lean muscle and strength. Most of us were taught growing up, that rice was strictly a carbohydrate and nothing else. We eventually learned for ourselves that rice is an excellent source of highly digestible whole food protein as well. Not only is rice protein easy on the stomach, it’s 100% digestible. It all starts by grinding up grains of rice and treating it with an enzyme that separates the starch (carbohydrate) from the protein.


Rice protein is supported by 4 clinical studies, showing it to be as effective as whey and soy protein for building and maintaining muscle strength and recovery. For example, the amino acid leucine from rice protein is absorbed into the bloodstream faster than leucine from why protein. For those that don’t know, leucine is the key amino acid that is responsible for triggering muscle building. Since all essential amino acids are found in rice protein, it is considered a very valuable source of protein. It is particularly recognized among plant based alternatives. Part of the amino acid profile of rice protein consists of a larger amount of the amino acid arginine. Arginine is known for it’s positive affect on blood vessels due to it being a pre-cursor of nitric oxide and it’s ability to lower blood pressure and strengthen the immune system.

The foundation of our premium protein base rests on our 7EVEN Grain Protein formula… Rice protein concentrate, combined with an all-grain complex carbohydrate and protein blend. This combination uses six organic grains… oats, amaranth, buckwheat, chia seed, millet and quinoa. These highly nutritious grains yield a high lysine content and contain muscle and energy sustaining macronutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats and lean muscle building electrolytes. Everything you need from a complete protein supplement.

Here’s THE SCOOP! in a nutshell…

We have consumed several brands of protein powders and like you, we’ve had to deal with some type of discomfort from a majority of them due to taste or digestion issues like gas and bloating. We’re sure you can relate! To make a long story short, we decided to create our own PERFECTLY CLEAN, multi- purpose protein base with no additives. It’s worked so well for us, we decided to share this wholesome goodness with the world! THE SCOOP is packed with highly nutritious superfoods, making it an excellent source of high quality, dairy free, plant based protein with naturally occurring amino acids.

No Allergens, No Gluten

Individuals with allergies or sensitivities to soy, lactose, eggs, nuts and gluten have nothing to worry about with The SCOOP protein.

Digests Easily

To get a little more technical, The SCOOP protein has greater than 90% digestibility and a relatively high bioavailability (how much protein is actually utilized by the body).

Sustainable and Easy on the Environment

It takes fewer natural resources to produce The SCOOP Protein than dairy proteins like whey and casein. Growing rice and grains emits less carbon than raising cattle.

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